Reshaping reality: Autodesk updates Memento
Autodesk's Memento is part of the company's mission to change the way content is created and products get built. The company used Real 2015 to show off the latest version of Memento and offer it as a Beta.

Autodesk’s Pier 9 Workshop is not your Dad’s toolshed
Artists and makers are taking advantage of the tools and toys in surprising ways. By Russell Johnson This is ...
Autodesk acquires Tweak for digital image review
The Tweak technology and team will become part of the Shotgun review and collaboration group. Autodesk today announced it has ...
Autodesk announces subscription transition plans for new software licenses
The move to subscriptions is about the payment scheme and the terms of legal use, not about whether the product ...
Delcam adds vector and text flexibility to $149 ArtCAM Express
The entry-level program can now read in 3D files but still outputs in 2D for engraving and routing. Delcam ...
Autodesk 123D Sculpt+ now available on Android
Autodesk is continuing a trend away from web-based consumer tools to platform-specific apps. Autodesk has released an Android version of ...
Autodesk expands Boston operations
Opens downtown space and acquires Terrible Labs Autodesk maintains very nice headquarters in the New England corridor, in Waltham, Mass, ...

“What’s with them?”
The most talked about companies and products in design/engineering software in 2014, and how they will be trending in 2015. ...

Autodesk wants to bring its “disruptive” commodity approach to CAM
Recent acquisitions have been digested; now Autodesk wants to extend its reach into computer-aided manufacturing’s three phases of Plan, Program, ...

Autodesk Spark and Ember poised to enter 3D printing wars
Autodesk wants to do for 3D printing what Google did for mobile devices: give away an operating system to encourage ...