KeyShot update adds real-time environment editing
Luxion has also added a new metallic paint material, material templates, network rendering, and more. Hot on the heels of ...
Adding a pipeline improves LMU visual effects lab workflow
Loyola Marymount students now create animations in a professional rendering workflow; their creative output has doubled. The mantra at any ...
New browser-based animation service enters free public beta
WebAnimate offers free production-level tools for mocap rework and animation retargeting. Referring to their new browser-based product as “animation on ...
Study: Rich storytelling as important online as for TV, movies, or games
Forrester Research study shows leading advertisers are seeking out agencies with media design capabilities. Firms with rich digital media capabilities can ...
Blender keeps churning out free top-quality 3D modeling and animation
The lines were long and the buzz was good around the Blender booth at Siggraph 2011. Blender has come a ...
Luxion adding animation to KeyShot
Forthcoming release of the real-time ray-tracing and illumination software takes a keyframe-free approach to creating animation from 3D digital data. ...
Autodesk lands exclusive deal to distribute Disney “Tangled” technology
XGen combines power with ease of use for generating not only “fur, feathers, and foliage” but a wide variety of ...
LightWave 10 supports 3Dconnexion 3D mice
One more reason to take the GraphicSpeak survey and win a SpacePilot Pro. NewTek has integrated 3Dconnexion 3D mouse support ...
The LightWave team goes forward with a new plan
NewTek has decided to integrate new technology gradually rather than dump old for new. It is the same dilemma faced ...
Using engineering 3D visualization to sell Navistar engines
RTT technology provides photorealistic still, animated, and cutaway views, saving Navistar thousands of dollars compared to transporting their massive diesel ...