One-click virtual photos inside SketchUp
High-end vendor Imagination Technologies takes a low-end consumer approach. Only $19.95 for a camera inside the model. A new app ...
Using rendering technology to revolutionize yacht design
Architect Greg Lynn is pioneering a new language of form, taking advantage of real-time ray tracing hardware and software from ...
Imagination Technologies CEO receives knighthood
Sir Hossein Yassaie honored for “services to technology and innovation.” Imagination Technologies Group plc. (LSE: IMG.L) Chief Executive Officer, Sir ...
Programming experts to explore mobile GPU advances
Led by Jon Peddie, the panel will describe how programmers can take full advantage of the latest GPU designs to ...
Caustic introduces ray-tracing accelerator boards
Imagination Technologies acquired Caustic in 2010 for its graphics prowess. These two new add-in boards address a small but fanatic ...
Caustic brings interactive ray tracing to Maya
Caustic Visualizer allows high fidelity views at the earliest project stages. A Rhino version already exists and a 3ds Max ...
Jon Peddie Research Siggraph press luncheon to explore Doing More with Multicore
The event has become a fixture for journalists attending the annual conference on computer graphics. Jon Peddie Research (JPR) continues ...
Imagination Technologies supplies more embedded GPU IP than all others combined
New report from Jon Peddie Research shows a soaring market for embedded mobile graphics. The market for mobile graphics chips ...