Realtime: Adshir’s LocalRay is 100% organic ray tracing
New tech from rendering startup tested with and against Embree—it’s all native now. Regular readers will recall that we have ...

Ray tracing will be unavoidable in 2020
PCs, consoles, and mobile devices will show the rays.

News Watch
Epic Games releases Unreal Engine 4.23
Ray tracing optimization and new ‘Chaos’ Physics and Destruction System are now available.

Nvidia brings ray tracing and AI to Siggraph again
One year later, the ecosystem has exploded. This year at Siggraph, Nvidia showed a lineup of RTX Studio Laptops and ...

Kicking down barriers, Nvidia has awoken the industry to ray tracing
Nvidia has just introduced three more ray tracing AIBs, the RTX 2080/70/60 Super series, and the prices for these new speeded up versions are quite competitive.

Epic’s Unreal joins forces with Abvent on Twinmotion
As part of its quest to make using game engines easier, Unreal has acquired the Twinmotion technology from Paris-based rendering company, Abvent.

Intel expands its visualization framework
Accelerating everything, all in on open source, and revolutionizing workflows. At FMX, Intel’s Sr. Principal Engineer, Sr. Director, Advanced Rendering ...

Analyst JPR releases report on ray traced rendering
Report gives insights into applications in manufacturing, product design, architecture, and entertainment. By Kenneth Wong Jon Peddie Research (JPR), which specializes ...

Ray tracing is everywhere—you might not have known that
The latest ray racing report by Jon Peddie Research discusses the suppliers, the programs, and includes marketing data to help ...

News Watch
V-Ray Next for SketchUp
V-Ray Next comes for SketchUp. Several companies offer a ray tracing plug-in for SketchUp, but Trimble calls this one the ...