Even Disney pulls out the scissors
Iger makes corporate changes following his predecessor’s departure that results in job losses.
Virtual tricks for a delightful treat
What do you get when you combine two beloved properties and virtual production techniques? The ‘Muppets Haunted Mansion.’ Ghosts, ghouls, ...

A new character enters the Marvel Cinematic Universe
VFX artists help transform Ms. Marvel’s comic-book powers into a new realm. When Spider-Man dons his spidey costume, we know ...

Disney harnesses GPUs for real-time content creation
Hyperion, Universal Description Language and more are moving content creation in a open direction. By Kathleen Maher We’re still crawling ...
Hollywood’s CG experts to reveal production secrets in Siggraph 2012 sessions
From blockbusters like Hugo and The Avengers to upcoming films and a special session on High Frame Rate Cinema, some ...
Autodesk lands exclusive deal to distribute Disney “Tangled” technology
XGen combines power with ease of use for generating not only “fur, feathers, and foliage” but a wide variety of ...
LCD innovations steal the show at display industry conference
The Society for Information Displays gathered for its annual conference in late May. Last year OLED and LED were all ...