Updated support for Catia V5 and Creo are also included. Detailed defeaturing is a key benefit.
3D PDF continues takes another step forward as a viable interoperability standard with this week’s news that ITI TranscenData (ITI-TD) is adding support for 3D PDF to its latest release of CADfix. The popular interoperability tool for 3D model data exchange between engineering applications is designed to translate and fix CAD data as well as prepare it for import or export.

CADfix version 9.0 includes a new 3D PDF import interface which reads 3D geometry from 3D PDF collaboration files. Once brought into CADfix the data may be edited as if coming from any other supported file format.
Other significant interoperability editions to CADfix 9.0 include support for 3D Studio max OBJ files (facets); PTC Creo View import and export; STL export of assembly, multi-solid, and label data; Catia V5 export of hybrid V4/V5 assemblies; Catia V4 export of mirrored parts; and Catia V4 i/o preservations for layer filters. The Catia V5 interfaces have been extended to read and write CGR files, while the Creo interfaces are upgraded to Creo 2 with support for CreoView.
Other changes include a new user interface for CADfix in Red Hat Linux, and a variety of new processes for working with defeaturing, facets, join/split/offset, and build opoeraitons. A complete list of features is at: http://www.transcendata.com/support/cadfix/release/Whats_new_in_CADfix_9.0.pdf
Our take
Advanced model defeaturing is a key aspect of any third-party interoperability product. ITI-DT is known for looking for ways to improve CAD to CAE process time, down to the littlest detail. Time is money in product design; CADfix 9.0 can save both with its myriad improvements to its defeaturing capabilities.