The deal gives Tech Soft 3D direct access to end users of 3D PDF technology.
Today Tech Soft 3D announced the acquisition of Tetra4D, a leading vendor of 3D PDF technology. Tech Soft 3D servers other software vendors, while Tetra4D sells to end user. The combination of the two means Tech Soft 3D now has direct relationships with end users. Terms of the deal were not disclosed.

Tech Soft 3D is the official developer of the 3D technology used in Adobe Acrobat; Adobe outsourced development to Tech Soft 3D in 2010. Tetra4D has been developing and selling products including 3D PDF Converter, which converts native 3D CAD data into interactive 3D PDF documents from within Adobe Acrobat.
Tech Soft 3D says it will immediately begin working directly with regional resellers, current customers of its HOOPS 3D graphics technology, and end users to expand and improve its suite of 3D PDF offerings.
What do we think?
Demand for 3D PDF technology keeps growing, and we see engineering software vendors adopting the technology as fast as Tech Soft 3D has been able to deliver it to them. At the same time, Tetra4D has built a nice business delivering document-based 3D collaboration, used both within companies and in product supply chains. Buying Tetra4D allows Tech Soft 3D to get close to key enterprise customers and tweak its innovation to meet their needs more directly.