BricsCAD update puts BIM and MCAD in a familiar container
Bricsys is betting CAD users want to keep using .dwg data and drafting workflows while taking advantage of 3D advances. ...
SolidWorks 2017 comes with new tricks and new options
The latest SolidWorks has a little something for everybody, but mostly CEO Gian Paolo Bassi works hard to keep everyone happy.
CorelCAD 2016 arrives
Corel has building on its CorelDraw franchise to create a line of professional products for designers. In the process the company has been able to appeal to a unique base of users.
Datakit plug-ins bring Rhino and DWG to Open Cascade
The plug-ins are for developers; more than 100 vendors use Open Cascade technology. Datakit has released two new plug-ins that ...
Siemens PLM teases Catchbook
Siemens is reaching out: PLM group showed off Catchbook, a tablet based drawing and drafting tool for a wide range of applications from professional to consumer.
Concepts reboots drafting for iPad
New drafting tool for tablets bridges conceptualization and drafting and opens up new lines of communication for professionals. The arrival ...
Bentley MicroStation update is all about the connections
The design platform favored by the enterprise-class design-build and infrastructure firms will use the cloud without living on it. This ...
AutoCAD Mac update brings feature set closer to Windows
Barely more than half of AutoCAD key features can now be found in the Mac version. Autodesk has updated AutoCAD ...
TurboSite releases plug-in for AutoCAD
The free app makes it possible to view geo-located video and photos directly within AutoCAD. Today IMSI/Design releases a free ...
Autodesk launches Point Layout for construction site modeling
Rivals Bentley and Trimble are already offering similar products. Construction-based BIM is slowly becoming a reality. Autodesk today launches new ...