Recent research conducted by Nfinite, a company that makes its money from product visualization tech for brands and retailers, in partnership with Coresight, highlights the significant impact of adopting computer-generated imagery (CGI) on reducing retailers’ carbon emissions. The study reveals that CGI can achieve a 50% reduction in carbon emissions compared to traditional photography methods. Sound interesting? We thought so, but even if we are not entirely convinced, it’s a good pitch for CGI and we are all for that.

According to Nfinite, retailers leveraging CGI have experienced reduced product returns, reducing customers’ carbon emissions to add to the reduction gained from not doing product photoshoots. Nfinite’s consumer research says that 83% of consumers are inclined to return a product if the online image does not accurately represent the item received. By delivering accurate representations, CGI enhances customer satisfaction and reduces the carbon footprint associated with return logistics.
The report also says that 91% of Gen Z said sustainable business practices influence their decision to buy from a brand. Nfinite’s 2023 Shopper Sentiment Report also aligns with this trend, indicating that 47% of consumers are more inclined to purchase furniture from companies committed to sustainable materials, manufacturing, and practices.
Nfinite’s research further emphasizes the critical role of product imagery in shaping online purchasing decisions. The survey reveals that 88% of consumers consider product imagery crucial when shopping online. Moreover, 65% of shoppers are more likely to complete a purchase when they can visualize a product from various angles. In comparison, 56% are deterred from buying furniture without proper imagery for their desired color or finish.