Adobe Substance at Siggraph, steady as she goes
Adobe has big ambitions for the Allegorithmic technology married to its own work in 3D.

Maxon updates features and licensing for Cinema 4D
New features for motion graphics, titles, interoperability, and rendering. Maxon is modernizing on all fronts. At Siggraph 2019, the company ...

Nvidia brings ray tracing and AI to Siggraph again
One year later, the ecosystem has exploded. This year at Siggraph, Nvidia showed a lineup of RTX Studio Laptops and ...

Realtime ray tracing shown by Adshir at Siggraph
Platform independent and AR friendly Ever since Arthur Appel proposed the core technology for ray tracing in his 1968 ...

Intel’s long-term vision for exascale content
Big content creation announced at Siggraph 2019. At Intel’s inaugural Create event at Siggraph 2019, the company outlined its vision ...

Siggraph attendance beats forecast
The venerable conference continues to delight and excite. We’ve been tracking Siggraph’s attendance since the conference started and attending almost ...

PC versus workstation: The differences matter
by Bob Cramblitt There’s a line of reasoning that goes like this: If it looks like a duck, swims like ...
Hexagon changing the world a millimeter at a time
The marriage of CAD and metrology is the marriage of the digital and the real-world. It is transforming many industries ...
A few things we’re looking forward to at Siggraph
Siggraph combines an Academic Conference, with Science Fair experiments, trade show, art fair, and animation festival. It’s a select bunch, ...
Chaos Czech releases Corona Renderer 4 for Cinema 4D and 3ds Max
With the acquisition of the Prague-based Render Legion, the Chaos Group deepens its expertise in rendering, especially in architectural rendering.