The love/hate relationship of NFTs in Triple-A games
Studios love ’em, players hate ’em. So far players are winning this battle, but will they win the war? Gamers ...

David Fincher directs his first all-animated short film
Blur Studio and Chaos enable the live-action director to bring his signature low-light look to the CG medium for a ...

Motion matters when finessing the creative look of a project
Lightstorm Entertainment to use Pixelworks’ TrueCut Motion to remaster big-name titles. In December 2021, Pixelworks, known for its motion grading ...

Will AXG survive Gelsinger’s axe?
Five years of no results in the midst of dumping businesses. Intel’s financial report revealed two hard-to-ignore situations. In a ...

Reimagining the esports experience
Riot Games teams up with AWS on a new playbook to make the studio a major contender in the electronic ...

Seeing more with 8K
What is preventing users from embracing 8K monitors: a limited supply of 8K monitors, not much native 8K content, and ...

Google Stadia: Does it pass the test?
In a non-scientific test of the current test bed for cloud gaming using a spotty 5G mobile connection, the gameplay ...

LCD monitor picture for 2022 looks weak
The commercial market helped even out the deficit in overall shipments left by the consumer market in the first half ...