The update features dynamic editing tools and updated interoperability tools.
Kubotek USA does not indulge in heavy marketing, but the company has been continuously developing and innovating KeyCreator, its 3D Direct CAD software. They have raised its profile over the years as KeyCreator has steadily improved. KeyCreator, of course, began life as CADKEY one of the earliest desktop CAD products and an innovator in 3D modeling. The product is finding new life as a powerful direct modeling tool for manufacturing, machining, verification, and design.

With the start of 2011, Kubotek introduced the latest version, KeyCreator 2011, and brought the company in line with 64-bit processors and operating systems. In the world of CAD, transitions tend to be made in planned intervals and not immediately as the technology becomes available. This is especially true for the transition to 64-bit technology, even though we’ve had 64-bit processors for the desktop since AMD released the Athlon 64 in 2003 (and RISC-based processors had 64-bit support even sooner). But, as Kubotek’s VP of Development Paul Stallings pointed out at the JPR Luncheon at Siggraph 2010, 64-bit processors don’t make a big difference to the end user without the operating system, and the operating system doesn’t make a big difference until most applications support the technology. However, when that happened, he said, he expected to see a wholesale shift to systems being able to take advantage of 64-bit. The advantage of 64-bit computing is significant for CAD, which often has large models.
For KeyCreator the shift is starting now. The company said that without support for 64-bit processors, the ceiling for most models has been about 200 MB. Now, that ceiling has been lifted and new drawings can be fit in gigabytes of system memory. The result will be much faster interaction with models.
First and foremost, KeyCreator is a direct modeling tool. The major changes in the latest update are new dynamic features including Dynamic Free Array and Linear Array to copy and locate components and features in a model or assembly. The emphasis is on ‘dynamic,’ and the company had improved the ability to select and change components and features and maintain relationships.
File exchange
In addition the latest version of KeyCreator includes an updated IGES translator. The company says it can perform imports faster and more accurately. The KeyCreator translater brings IGES files into KeyCreator and treats them as native files. Kubotek says that IGES is the most widely used file format for sharing non-KeyCreator data. In addition to speed, the improved technology includes better stitching and healing to create solids. KeyCreator 201l also provides IGES file detailing and Product Management Information. It exports references as an assembly.
Kubotek also has improved Hoops 3dsx translators, which enables support for CATIA V5, I-DEAS, JT, NX, Pro/Engineer and SolidWorks imports. Kubotek has also improved its PDF export. The company has also maintained its tools for sharing data with the leading CAD companies including Dassault/SolidWorks, PTC, and Autodesk through direct support. The ability of KeyCreator to work with other CAD programs and to work in a multi-CAD environment is a key part of the company’s message to end users.