Power Surfacing RE bridges the gap between scanned mesh data and NURBS-based SolidWorks geometry.
NPower Software today announces the release of new reverse engineering software based on its Power Surfacing technology. Power Surfacing RE is an add-in reverse engineering (RE) product for SolidWorks for reverse engineering scanned meshes, other mesh data, and SolidWorks geometry within SolidWorks.
Dealing with scanned meshes can be tricky and time consuming; quite often hand editing of translated files is necessary. NPower says Power Surfacing RE can simplify the process with tools to reference and convert the scanned mesh into “standard” SolidWorks NURBS geometry. Once a scanned mesh is converted into typical SolidWorks geometry with Power Surfacing RE, users can apply the full power of SolidWorks to the data’s continue editing.
Power Surfacing RE includes mesh cleanup and preparation tools to simply the reverse engineering process. For example, users can patch/fill holes while maintaining overall surface continuity, flip faces on inverted meshes, and visually compare the distance between the original mesh and the reverse engineered result.
Power Surfacing RE includes the following features:
- Full Power Surfacing toolset
- Import meshes and display as reference mesh
- Convert SolidWorks geometry into reference mesh
- Drawing tools with automatic face creation
- Constrain points to reference mesh
- Automatically retopologize enclosed areas
- Distance display to measure approximation of reference mesh
- Fill holes while matching curvature of reference mesh
- Interpolate or “shrink wrap” to match reference mesh
Power Surfacing RE is based on IntegrityWare’s SOLIDS++ geometric modeling Kernel, a hybrid modeling system that supports Solids, Surface and Polygonal modeling. In addition, Power Surfacing RE utilizes the new SubD-NURBS library product, which NPower says provides accurate conversion between Sub-D geometry and NURBS geometry. Licensed developers who use SOLIDS++ include Autodesk, MOI, Nemetschek, PTC, New River Kinematics, Bentley Systems, and Ford Motor Company.