The maker of laser sintering 3D printing devices is sponsoring a user day at the annual additive manufacturing event.

Prolific inventor Dean Kamen, best known for the Segway personal transporter, will be the keynote speaker at an EOS users’ event during RAPID 2012 May 22 in Atlanta. Kamen will speak to the North American User Day (NAUD) meeting, on the subject “Growing Innovation and FIRST Innovators.”
Kamen is the founder of FIRST, For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology, an organization that encourages youth to consider science and technology careers. “It’s inspiring to see the innovative uses that young minds can make of everyday manufacturing processes,” Kamen says. “What they can achieve with a breakthrough additive process like laser sintering is beyond imagining.” Kamen’s design firm, DEKA, has used direct metal laser sintering (DMLS) in the development of a futuristic prosthetic arm, among other devices.
The EOS event coincides with the RAPID 2012 show from the Society of Manufacturing Engineers, the annual event highlighting 3D design and manufacturing applications, including various 3D printing technologies.