GID Development usually consults on projects for other companies, but decided it was time to create their own product. BodyDock Cellphone Armor was designed using Catia and related Dassault Systèmes products from start to finish.

GID Development has for years been an engineering consulting company, with a twin emphasis on product design and factory management. When the design team came up with an idea for a new hardshell case for the iPhone 4, GID decided it was time to create a product themselves instead of working for a client. The project went from initial design to shipping product in only a few months, using Catia and related design tools from Dassault Systèmes from start to finish.
The GID multidisciplinary team specializes in finding elegant solutions to difficult problems. Members of the GID team have worked in a wide variety of industries, some having commissioned and managed manufacturing plants, with responsibility for bottom line results. Other members have expertise in 3D digitizing of free form shapes derived from models designed and sculpted from client’s idea.
GID offers clients everything from initial concept work to manufacturing; once the decision was made to create their own product, the company simply turned to existing resources and personnel. GID used Catia for 3D virtual design, Enovia to manage design and manufacturing data, and 3DVia Composer to create images and models to clearly communicate design intent to manufacturing partners. GID also used Catia to turn design into a manufacturable product, from splitting the core of a mold and defining cavity geometry, to addressing considerations such as drafts and parting lines.
The new Rhino BodyDock Cellphone Armor system for the iPhone 4/4S is already available.