A new browser-based interface speeds reporting engineering data to the supply chain.
Elysium says its latest release of CADfeature simplifies and improves the creation and exchange of master CAD models between OEM manufacturers and their supply chains. The software offers a feature-based translation system to transfer design intent without releasing original CAD files.

Enhancements in CADfeature 11.3 include:
- A more streamlined process for CAD/CAM/CAE/PLM translation, including added support for the post-translation/re-mastering processes to finish data to a level at or nearing 100% completion, when compared to the original source model
- New reporting and guided post-translation functions to help with areas that cannot be perfectly translated due to variance between CAD systems and different modeling kernels.
- Automated Quality Assurance (QA) checks on translations and re-mastering; Elysium says the methodology for communicating QA information has been improved for easier project management.
A new HTML-based document style allows users to open reports from a web browser; parts and assemblies can then immediately rotate, pan, and zoom, allowing users to see the associated images and underlying CAD data.
- Report types include:
- Feature success rates by component (for QA)
- Feature success rates by type (to help select further development focus)
- Output to PDF as well as HTML.