The 3D tutorial shows how to take appropriate, immediate action to save a life. Paris medical lab iLumens contributed content to “Staying Alive.”
Dassault Systèmes has created a 3D lifelike experience online that uses simulation technologies for medical training. “Staying Alive” was developed in partnership with iLumens, a medical laboratory from Paris Descartes University, and teaches appropriate responses when someone experiences sudden cardiac arrest.

Dassault is using the training simulation to show how, in a virtual 3D world, anyone can train and practice potentially lifesaving techniques. Healthcare professionals, as well as the public, can visualize and train to administer first aid, in a collaborative 3D environment using the Web. Cardiac arrest was a logical choice for to demonstrate the possibilities; more than 250,000 people in the US and 40,000 people in France die from it each year. The onset is sudden and often in a public place.
Viewers can study methods, evaluate results, and even have training sessions with friends, thanks to a Facebook application. “These realistic 3D virtual applications are much more than serious gaming. Anyone can rapidly learn by doing. Information is more easily retained,” explains Alexandre Mignon, MD, PhD, MBA, professor of Anesthesiology & Intensive Care Medicine, head of iLumens AP-HP. “Staying Alive is the first medical initiative of its kind whose objective is to provide the optimal training of the techniques, which can be repeated as often as necessary, before applying them to a real patient. This project, based on a realistic experience, enables anyone to learn the reflexes they need to adopt after having called for professional emergency help.”
Many medical equipment companies already use Dassault Systèmes solutions to design their products in 3D. One such company is Philips, whose HearthStart (HS1) defibrillator was especially conceived for use by non-professionals and is featured in the Staying Alive project in a virtual environment. People can manipulate this defibrillator in various situations, for training, simulation, communication and maintenance.
Staying Alive is scheduled to be the first in a series of similar medical experiences called Medusims, to be launched in the near future. The simulation was created using Dassault Systèmes’ 3DVIA Studio [URL].