This remarkable account of triumph over incredible hardship will be all over the media in early 2013. Put it on your short list. 
Today Penguin releases “Bend Not Break”, the personal story of Geomagic CEO Ping Fu. Penguin is planning a major book tour/media blitz for early 2013, which means you can expect to see Ping Fu on your favorite news-talk program soon.

“Bend Not Break” shares Ping Fu’s riveting story of personal resilience and business success, a journey that moves from the horrors of China’s Cultural Revolution to leading a cutting-edge computer graphics software company. Born to a family persecuted for being educated, at age 8 she became responsible for raising and protecting her 4 year old sister. At times living on “bitter meals” of dirt, animal dung and tree bark, Ping Fu was a rape victim at 10 and a political prisoner at 25. Finally deported to America with $80 in her pocket and an English vocabulary of three words, she began a journey that placed her in the early frontier of the Internet and from there to helping to create technology that merges the physical with the digital. Geomagic technology is reshaping the world, from personalizing prosthetic limbs to repairing NASA space ships.
Noted author and technology philosopher Kevin Kelly says of “Bend Not Break”: “I could not put this book down. From surviving the insanity of China’s Cultural Revolution to the cutthroat antics of hi-tech venture capitalism, from low-life outcast to billionaire dealer—it is amazing to believe this all happened in one person’s lifetime. The lessons Ping Fu has so artfully accumulated are inspiring, heartening, educating, and entertaining. I defy anyone to read this book and not come away with a greater commitment to follow through on their plans, and a desire to invent their own lives.”
“Bend Not Break” will soon be featured on Bloomberg News, BBC World News and many more media outlets in the coming weeks, and is now available in both printed and digital versions at, Barnes & Noble, and other booksellers.