If you don’t see it on the shelf, make it yourself
Zero Density devises new EVO II render engine for real-time virtual production.
Create character animation in real time during game play
New Ikinema Run-Time Indie works inside Unreal Engine 4 Ikinema, is now shipping a small studio version of its full-body ...
General Motors picks RTT as global CGI vendor
Automotive visualization has become an essential workflow—and a hotly competitive market. General Motors has selected Munich-based 3D visualization company ...
Caustic brings interactive ray tracing to Maya
Caustic Visualizer allows high fidelity views at the earliest project stages. A Rhino version already exists and a 3ds Max ...
Processing air traffic pattern predictions in real time
Optimal Synthesis got a 250x speed improvement by turning to Nvidia graphics processing units. A research firm in Silicon Valley ...
Luxion adding animation to KeyShot
Forthcoming release of the real-time ray-tracing and illumination software takes a keyframe-free approach to creating animation from 3D digital data. ...