Geomerics makes reflections independent of field of view
Dynamic scene updating in real time increases suspension of disbelief. Dynamic lighting expert Geomerics has moved the state of the ...
Speed increases ripple through Enlighten dot-update
Tweaks throughout the production process make this real-time global illumination engine run faster. A dot-update to global real-time illumination engine ...
Geomerics improves real-time global illumination engine
Enlighten 3 with Forge provide lighting tools for an artist’s perspective. Geomerics says its update to Enlighten provides cinematic-quality dynamic ...
Geomerics to target movies with real-time rendering
The ARM subsidiary gets a £1 million grant from the UK government. Real-time graphics rendering will come to movies if ...
ARM acquires Geomerics
The lighting expert will become a wholly owned subsidiary, and will continue with a separate market identity. Semiconductor and mobile ...