Ease of use, price, and one-stop shopping beats the competition.
By Jon Peddie
Now that Oculus has revealed its consumer version of the Rift HMD (head mounted display) for virtual reality (VR), consumers can start planning how they might engage with VR, and they have a choice—a do-it-yourself rig with a PC and Rift, or a turnkey system with Sony.

Oculus requires the user to have, or get, a high-end PC—and when available, the Touch controller, at a price not yet revealed. So for now, the fastest, most friction-free way to get into VR will be with Sony.

HTC has a great system, the Vive, but they haven’t declared a ship date, price, or app store, so it’s a dark horse for now.
Read the rest of Jon’s thought at “Why Sony will win first in VR” at Jonpeddie.com.