DuPont Performance Coatings are widely used in aerospace and automotive; now Keyshot users can replace physical color swatches with correctly rendered color images.
Luxion has struck a deal with DuPont to allow users of KeyShot 3D digital object rendering and lighting software to use proprietary technology from DuPont Performance Coatings in renderings. The addition will allow DuPont customers in the transportation and aerospace industry to use KeyShot to get a full understanding of color and paint of their products in real time without having to rely on physical samples.

Adding DuPont’s color technology to KeyShot will help users study designs with the exact color, and not rely on the traditional 2” by 4” paint chip. Users will be able to instantly apply and view dozens of accurate coating colors under real world lighting conditions, making design decisions based directly on the digital model. DuPont color technology is especially popular in automotive and aeronautics manufacturing.
Using the new technology will also allow designers to save time and money, since color decisions can be made at the same time as other design elements are decided.
Accurate digital color rendering is important in communicating color in any industry under different illuminating conditions. In the automotive industry color rendering requires the visual differential between solid colors and metallic colors.
DuPont scientists have explored this area for the past 40 years; DuPont was the first company to use colorimeters in automotive coatings, to apply algorithms to measure, and adjust color formulas. The extension of DuPont’s expertise in color science technology is leading efforts to visually render color coatings.