The free software requires GstarCAD for Windows to convert drawings to and from a proprietary format.
Suzhou Gstarsoft Co., a Beijing software developer, has launched GstarCAD MC for iPad, free software to edit and view CAD drawings. Drawings must first be converted from DWG or DXF format using GstarCAD for Windows to a format called OCF, and then uploaded via iTunes. Gstarsoft says the use of the special format is the key to fast and accurate use of drawings on the iPad.

Gtarsoft is a member of the IntelliCAD Technology Consortium (ITC), a group that cooperatively develops an alternative CAD engine that works with the DWG format used by AutoCAD. Gstarsoft says the new iPad product does not use ITC technology, but was developed completely in-house.
Sales figures are not available for the iPad in China, but overall Apple has been doing booming business in China for the past three years, with strong iPad sales since their introduction to China last year. GstarCAD MC is available in both English and Chinese.
GstarCAD MC allows users to create new drawing as well as to edit, mark up, and share existing drawings. Drawing functions include commands for creating and editing lines, clouds, rectangles, circles, polylines, arcs, and freehand. Editing tools include delete, copy, and move. Auxiliary functions provide undo and redo, the creation of layouts, and more.
More information is available at the Apple iTunes website or the Gstarsoft website.