Update to Retargeter brings new automation to the facial motion capture process.
New technology in the latest release of Retargeter from Faceware Technologies makes it possible to do a “one button” first pass on creating facial animation from a video performance. AutoSolve is one of the new technologies for automating facial animation in the update.
Retargeter 4.0 is a lightweight plug-in for use with Autodesk’s Maya, 3ds Max, Softimage and MotionBuilder. Faceware products, including Retargeter, have been used on a wide variety of game and film projects including the games Grand Theft Auto, Assassin’s Creed, God of War, Crysis 3, and the upcoming Space Pirate Captain Harlock.

New features in Retargeter 4.0 include:
AutoSolve: Combining data from IMPD files generated from Faceware Analyzer along with pre-defined facial poses or ‘Expression Sets’, AutoSolve can automatically create animation on a video performance. Faceware considers the ability to do a one-click facial animation the industry’s equivalent of rapid prototyping; a technology that delivers reviewable results faster than previously possible.
Expression sets: An add-on to the Character Setup process, Expression Sets are a group of pre-defined, standard facial poses unique to each character in a project. Expression Sets define the style and look of the universal shapes and movements of a character to drive AutoSolve.
Tracking visualization: Retargeter 4.0 makes use of an improved IMPD file that contains the complex data needed for AutoSolve; it also contains a helpful way to see the tracking information that comes out of Faceware Analyzer. This feature enables artists to better understand what is going on in the facial tracking process to better utilize Retargeter.
Batch functionality: Command line access allows any Retargeter function to be scripted, letting artists create a complete batch pipeline for facial animation. Retargeter 4.0 supports a library of Mel, Python, and MaxScript commands.
Shared pose thumbnails: Sometimes multiple artists use Retargeter for the same character on a project. Retargeter 4.0 now gives artists the ability to add thumbnail images for every pose, so that other artists on the team have a reference for every shared pose and can find what they need faster. Artists have the ability to custom define each thumbnail, such as focusing on a particular area of a pose or showing the entire facial pose.