Siggraph announces the winners of the 2012 Computer Animation Festival. It won’t be the first time a Siggraph winner goes on to win an Oscar.
Siggraph 2012 has announced the winning entries in this year’s Computer Animation Festival. Prizes have been awarded for Best in Show, Jury Award, Best Student Project, and Well Told Fable (WTF) prizes. A total of 94 films will be shown during the Computer Animation Festival. Nominees were chosen by an expert panel of jury members from 601 submissions representing 43 countries.
The Computer Animation Festival is recognized by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences as a qualifying festival. Since 1999, several works originally presented in the Computer Animation Festival have been nominated for or have received a “Best Animated Short” Academy Award. This year’s selections will be featured during the Computer Animation Festival through a series of daily Festival Screenings and the iconic Electronic Theater, allowing attendees to get a glimpse behind the making of computer-generated effects, visualizations, and animations.
Best In Show Award: Réflexion
Directed by Yoshimichi Tamura, PlanKtoon; France

In a boutique in Paris, Louise looks at her reflection in the surrounding mirrors. Tonight, she has a rendezvous with Jules, her fiancé. Suddenly she notices that she’s late, and goes off in great haste to her flat to get ready. Réflexion is a description of women’s concerns about the way they look.
Jury Award: How to Eat Your Apple
Directed by Erick Oh, Independent; USA

Here is a delicious apple. How would you eat it?
Best Student Project: Estefan
Directed by Jeff Call, Brigham Young University; USA

Estefan, the world’s greatest hairdresser, must design a hairstyle for Clara, a woman with no hair, in order to preserve his reputation.
Best Student Project Runner-Up: Globosome
Directed by Sascha Geddert, Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg; Germany

In the vastness of space, a small speck of rock is inhabited by the most peculiar lifeforms: Dark little dots that start to replicate fast and begin to show signs of intelligence. “Globosome” tells the story of the rise and fall of these little creatures.
Best Student Project Runner-Up: Herr Hoppe und der Atommüll
Directed by Jan Lachauer and Thorsten Löffler, Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg; Germany

A barrel of nuclear waste drops into the living room of Herr Hoppe, an average suburban German. He has to get rid of it and does it in his own wacky way.
Well Told Fable (WTF): Rosette
Directed by: Romain Borrel, Gaël Falzowski, Benjamin Rabaste, and Vincent Tonelli, Supinfocom Arles; France
In a cured meats deli, a customer starts fantasizing about the butcher. She takes us into a clichéd vision of couple-hood, transcribed, for better or for worse, within a universe of pork products.