Jon Peddie Research launches new Visual Processing Unit market report

Tiny new processors are driving innovation in a wide variety of industries.

Jon Peddie Research (JPR) today launched a new quarterly report covering the fast-growing Visual Processing Unit (VPU) market. VPUs are specialized processors currently capable of running 10-bit or 12-bit datasets of tens of megapixels at rates of up to 60 or 120 frames per second. Generally speaking, today’s VPUs sell for $100 or less in quantity to manufacturers.

Current applications for VPUs range include prosumer cameras, automobile license readers at toll stations, airport security, and nozzle monitoring on rockets.  JPR believes the VPU market will continue to drive innovation for a wide variety of industries by allowing fast front-end processing of image processing functions.

Number of companies directly involved in the visual processing unit industry, 1999-2017. (Source: JPR)

The new JPR report will publish quarterly. It will offer updates on suppliers, technology, processors, and market opportunities. “The current market is small and volatile, with 20 VPU suppliers, eight IP suppliers, and ten startups that have yet to produce silicon,” says Jon Peddie, president of Jon Peddie Research. “As robust as the market is, there will be consolidation … we think there will be just a half dozen suppliers, three major companies, and three niche players by 2020.”

For more information or to download the new Jon Peddie Research Visual Processing Unit Market Report, visit the Jon Peddie Research website.