The metaverse, today’s white whale
Questions (and answers) abound, but many are antithetical at this point. What is the metaverse? If you ask 10 people, ...

Nvidia Siggraph keynote
Welcome to the age of neurographics. Nvidia is aligning itself with the metaverse and positioning its Omniverse as the foundation ...

Now you, too, can build your own virtual assistant
Nvidia’s Omniverse Avatar Cloud Engine makes it easier to create realistic and interactive digital humans. The metaverse is coming, and ...

Going all in on building the metaverse with USD
Nvidia sees USD as an essential building block for Web 3.0 and there is growing agreement from partners including Pixar, ...

NFT Worlds tries to beat Minecraft at their own game
War is declared: After Minecraft’s crackdown on NFTs, interloper NFT Worlds pledges to go it alone. Minecraft is an industry ...
News Watch
VIEW Conference spotlights metaverse and virtual production, adds more speakers
The global event on computer graphics is shaping up nicely with yet another impressive lineup that is expected to expand ...

Big plans for the metaverse
Will the vision be fulfilled? Today’s big buzzword is the metaverse, which, as most people know, originated with Stephenson’s epic ...

Khronos hopes to help enable the metaverse
Whatever that is. Khronos has formed a forum to create a venue for cooperation between standards organizations and companies to ...

The evolving world of 3D
It’s all about your phone. By Omid Rahmat Who loses and who gains when consumers get access to vast libraries ...

Bigger is not always better
Mobile is the key to the future of pixels. By Omid Rahmat For anyone with a Gandalfian perspective on the ...