Jon Peddie Research (JPR) once again will be hosting its annual invitation-only press luncheon during Siggraph 2023. The JPR event will be held on Tuesday, August 8, in Los Angeles. More details to follow.

This is a special year for Siggraph, which is celebrating the 50th anniversary of its conference serving the computer graphics and interactive technology communities. In recognition of this milestone and in keeping with the theme of this year’s conference, JPR’s panel of industry luminaries will focus on the topic of “Looking Back, Looking Ahead.”
This is the 19th year that Dr. Jon Peddie, JPR founder and CEO, has hosted the luncheon, which features an always impressive array of experts as they address a topic that is both timely and of great potential impact to those in the CG industry. Through insightful discussion by these thought leaders, attendees will gain a better understanding of how the industry’s present and future are informed by its past.
Dr. Peddie, himself an icon in the industry, is a pioneer in the computer graphics industry and recognized as one of the world’s most influential analysts. He is the former president of the Siggraph Pioneers and a current advisor to the Siggraph Executive Board. In addition to lecturing at various conferences and industry events, he has published hundreds of papers and several technical books, including his latest, a three-book series The History of the GPU.
Contact Robert C. Dow, [email protected], for details on sponsorship and participation opportunities.