Curve appeal in monitors
Some uses are not practical for a curved screen, but design ingenuity may overcome those obstacles. Curves. Some people like ...

Basemark debuts enhanced mobile device benchmark
The new GPUScore: The Expedition includes variable rate shading. Qualcomm led the industry in introducing variable rate shading (VRS) with ...

Spider-Man Remastered swings onto the PC platform
Reviewers assess gameplay, performance, and image quality; conclude it is a game worth playing. By Rodrigo González After spending many hours ...

Siggraph 2022: A virtual walk around the floor (recap)
Bits and pieces from my time at this year’s conference, a ‘rest of the rest’ wrap-up. After two years of ...

What’s ‘next’ when it comes to Omniverse?
Nextspace’s cloud-based platform unifies disparate data from various sources and formats and organizes and structures it for more accurately visualizing ...

Well, folks, Siggraph 2022’s a wrap
The in-person portion of this year’s hybrid conference is now in the books, and it proved to be well attended. ...

Standards merge and emerge at Siggraph 2022
The coming Metaverse demands industry segments, companies, standards bodies, and humans work together to define and enable interoperability. ASWF and ...

Siggraph keynote: Seeing double—bridging dualities for humans in the metaverse
Relational intelligence and performance artist Sougwen Chung. Sougwen Chung is an artist and engineer whose exhibitions and performances have taken ...