ITI CADfix turns a job that took days into one that takes minutes.
Some engineering companies work with multiple CAD systems because of legacy issues, or because somebody can’t make up their mind on how to standardize. At Millbrook Group working with data from multiple CAD systems is essential to their business. But just because working with multiple CAD data formats is necessary doesn’t mean it isn’t frustrating.
Millbrook Group provides vehicle test, validation, and engineering services to customers in the automotive, transport, tire, petrochemical, defense and security industries. Such a client list requires Millbrook to work with CAD files from multiple sources and in multiple formats. Client files are rarely optimized or sent in a format Millbrook can swiftly import. As a result, Millbrook engineers were spending days working to repair models before they could start their testing.

Some Millbrook employees saw a demonstration of CADfix from ITI, and arranged for a personal demonstration. According to Ryan Holden, design office supervisor at Millbrook, CADfix successfully repaired a set of test models in a matter of minutes; the same file fix using their standard methods would have taken days. They were sold.
Now Millbrook receives large models of vehicle bodies from a variety of sources in a variety of CAD formats. They all need to be converted into Millbrook’s CAD system of choice for any given project. Instead of converting to a neutral format and fixing the files, Millbrook now uses CADfix to convert the models and to repair any faults they find within the models.

“Before CADfix, our team was spending valuable time translating and repairing customer models,” says Holden. “With CADfix we’ve eliminated expensive model rework. Now we can focus on better servicing our customer needs and project deliverables.”
Because CADfix has the ability to exchange multiple geometry formats, repair poor quality geometry, as well as de-feature and simplify complex models, Millbrook is now turning projects around more quickly and with what Holden says continues to be a high confidence in model data accuracy.