The 17th annual session brings together press, analysis, and graphics industry leaders. 
The 17th annual edition of the Jon Peddie Research Press Luncheon will gather industry experts with press and analysts to explore “The Long Long Road to 3D for All.” The event — which has become a permanent fixture of the Siggraph experience — will be Wednesday, August 2 at the JW Marriott Los Angeles L.A. LIVE near the Los Angeles Convention Center. Press registration is open now.
The use and size of 3D models is increasing and so are the applications available to create and use them, including graphic images, 3D printing, and animation. Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are literally adding new dimension to those applications. Where that application resides is also changing. Microsoft has built 3D creation into its operating system with its Creators Update, Autodesk is refining its 3D content creation tools Make, ReMake, Fusion 360 to build a 3D creation environment, and Adobe is developing its Project Felix product to bring enable graphic and commercial artists to use 3D as easily as they combine 2D content elements such as photos, drawings, and scans. New application such as Google Tilt Brush for VR are also intriguing.
Different companies are taking different approaches and addressing different audiences but in the end the goal is to open up 3D content creation to more people. This is a long road and there are many failures along the wayside. What’s different now? What do we see coming in the future? How does AI help the creative process? How closely are the professional hardware suppliers cooperating and sharing visions with the ever more nimble software suppliers? Road-map projects between these symbiotic players are essential to making the future happen now.
JPR’s luncheon is a popular event with spirited discussion, new product news, and great giveways. Members of the Siggraph press and analyst corps can REGISTER HERE