Solid Edge DesignPad is a product subset, tailored to appeal to students and occasional users.

Siemens PLM Software is offering the Japanese market a subset of its Solid Edge ST3 3D CAD product on a monthly subscription. Solid Edge DesignPad has been tailored to appeal to students and others who are interested in 3D design software but do not have full-time professional need of the technology. The product and all supporting materials and web pages are in Japanese.
The product is sold online, and Siemens has created a variety of online video tutorials, an online user guide, and other help items to support users. A marketing demo, obviously pitched to students, is available at YouTube:
It appears Siemens PLM is testing a new business model for selling Solid Edge technology. Japan is a medium-sized market with a keen appetite for the new and innovative. No doubt the plan is to work out the kinks before rolling out Solid Edge DesignPad worldwide.
Having a subset of Solid Edge available on monthly subscription could be a powerful incentive for companies to standardize on it, to allow access to the technology to a wider base of users in a company. It is also a value play to get into more schools and universities.
For years Siemens (and UGS before it) have been accused of under-marketing Solid Edge. It appears the recent shake-up in the marketing division is reaping some benefits.