Other new features in the latest update include GPS functionality and plot from mobile.

Autodesk’s announcement of its latest version of Autodesk AutoCAD WS leads off with support for 3D DWG. It’s the big news alright. Until now the lack of support for 3D DWG drawings and models has been a competitive differential that other vendors, notably IMSI/Design, have used to promote competing mobile CAD products. Other new features in AutoCAD WS include GPS functionality and new plot to print features.
Although known as a 2D program, AutoCAD has supported 3D drafting for most of its lifespan. But until now, AutoCAD WS only supported 2D. Early in the development cycle of AutoCAD WS, Autodesk decided it would be better to go to market sooner with only 2D than to wait for 3D compatibility, a decision that seems to have worked out just fine. As we mentioned in a recent article, there have been more than 7 million downloads of AutoCAD WS; every week 300,000 drawings are uploaded to the AutoCAD WS cloud.

The new versions of AutoCAD WS for both iOS (iPhone/iPad) and Android devices provide free rotation of 3D drawings, and several pre-set rotations for faster access to just the right view.
AutoCAD WS now takes advantage of the built-in GPS functionality of mobile devices to identify positioning inside drawings and to attach notes in a precise geographic context.
Both mobile versions of AutoCAD WS now support Plot from Mobile, which allows the user to send drawings as a PDF or DWF to any email address; there is also support for HP ePrint, which means an AutoCAD WS user can plot a drawing directly to any ePrint-supporting printer or plotter.
A short YouTube video showing the new features is embedded below. More information is available on the AutoCAD WS blog.