The latest update is feature packed.

AMD has gotten into the cadence of releasing a Radeon driver every month and then hotfixes after users have a chance to de-bug them, but these days there is minimal fuss. The company has delivered on their promise of driver stability.
The latest release updated their Anti-Lag and Boost for high framerate, low latency gaming, and as well as features for developers like Image Sharpening and FidelityFX.
The company also introduced AMD Link—a free application to connect a gaming PC with a tablet, phone, TV, or even another Windows-based PC, so now AMD users can turn any screen into a gaming powerhouse from virtually anywhere. The new AMD Link lets users invite a friend to connect to their PC (like remote desktop) from another system to play games that support local multiplayer or split screen mode. AMD says Link also offers 144 FPS (max), as well as higher bandwidth streaming options, support for 5.1 surround sound audio, and reduced streaming latency of up to 60% in CS:GO.
AMD says, based on community feedback, their latest software release provides several customizable installation options. Gamers can elect to do a full installation or a minimal installation with a streamlined user interface, or a small-footprint, driver-only installation. Additional updates include an improved search bar, the availability of additional gameplay stats on the games tab and more.
Expanded performance metrics and tuning has also been improved and AMD has devoted more attention to the interface. Users can now view both Radeon graphics and Ryzen processor performance metrics from a single location, including CPU utilization, clock speed, temperature, voltage, power consumption, and fan speed, enabling them to better optimize system performance and power efficiency.

The company says their recording and streaming capability has been enhanced to give users more options for capturing game play and sharing it and they’ve integrated all recording and streaming settings under a single tab. The new software release offers scene editor usability enhancements, improved sorting, and tagging functionality, and a new wizard to make it easier for entry-level users to begin streaming.
Color deficiency correction now has customizable settings for users who have one of three major color vision deficiency conditions—protanopia, deuteranopia, and tritanopia—to experience games in more vivid detail without any expected performance impact. Gamers can adjust colors so they look better to them.
Microsoft PlayReady AV1 support is offered for the open-source, royalty-free PlayReady AV1 hardware-accelerated decode for RX 6000 Series graphics cards, ensuring high-quality, protected content.
And last but far from least is AMD’s Crash Defender. This is a new stability feature to ensure systems “stay alive,” preserve data and fully recover from potential hangs or crashes in select scenarios. Paired with the AMD Bug Report Tool, the company says Radeon Software can provide a more complete picture of user-submitted issues for quicker resolution by AMD support teams.