Khronos gets major wins; lays groundwork for further advance
Now that Microsoft is on board with OpenGL, the browser as software platform can really take off. Siggraph represented a ...
Baked in silicon ray tracing on view at Siggraph
Caustic by Imagination was showing off its new accelerator board. But Nvidia’s latest high-end GPU might be as fast. Direct-to-final-render ...
SPEC announces wide slate of new benchmarks
This tanker doesn’t turn fast, but when it does you know it. The last version of SPECviewperf 11, the ...
Playing with JT2Go on an 82” screen powered by Microsoft Surface
The new Perceptive Pixel touch screen is more fun than a cave for product review and a whole lot cheaper. ...
The parallel universe is growing in the NAB world
CUDA, OpenCL, and OpenGL all come into play as professional graphics applications learn to play nice with multiple CPUs and ...
Khronos updates OpenGL cross-platform 3D graphips API
Wasting no time on the opening day of Siggraph, the industry consortium is also opening up two working groups to ...