Autodesk Announces AutoCAD for Mac and AutoCAD WS App for iPad and iPhone
The worst-kept secret in software is out; Autodesk returns to the Macintosh platform with a new version of AutoCAD, and ...
Annotated List of Construction Management Apps
A detailed list of iPad/iPhone apps for a wide variety of construction uses. Houston Neal of Software Advice has assembled ...
Toon Boom Releases Free iPad Animation App
The Emmy-winning software developer brings fingerpainting-simple animation to the iPad. Montreal-based software developer Toon Boom Animation has released Flipboom Lite, ...
Sent From My iPad
A construction engineering manager sees a bright future for the Apple iPad in construction. By Dave Angelotti Guest Contributor I’ve ...
One Screen to Rule Them All, One Screen to Find Them, One Screen to Bring Them All and In the IT Bind Them
Consumer technology pundits say there is a war going on over what screen size will prevail: mobile, desktop, or room-size. ...
The Adobe-Apple Standoff Saga Continues
Things down in Silicon Valley are getting ugly, as Adobe and Apple continue to square off over development tools, open ...
PDM Will Be a Growth Market in 2010
PDM software sold better than expected in 2009, especially the products aimed at smaller manufacturers. We estimate less than 30% ...