The creative side of AI

Human, robot

Technology has been changing the game in film and episodic TV for decades, and with it has come major leaps in innovation as well as some drawbacks. So, why, then, are we afraid of AI? Yes, it’s going to be disruptive in the coming years, but industry disruption is not new; it’s happened before, many times. AI technology can and will replace certain creative activities, but with each technological advance, industry professionals have been able to refine, expand, and improve their creative processes.

We were recently asked if we think AI is the biggest threat for the video content creation industry or the biggest opportunity. Being somewhat of a smart aleck, we said yes. Right now, we’re at the very beginning of testing, playing with, using, and learning what the technology can/can’t, should/shouldn’t do. Sometimes, technology is good, and sometimes it’s a disaster. And by the time we figure out if and who it’s going to harm, it’s too damn late.

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