Connected in the ‘Here’ and now


Director Robert Zemeckis is known for pushing the technological envelope in his film projects. Sometimes he hits the mark, other times, not so much in terms of connecting with audiences. Recently, he released Here, with a unique story concept, camera concept, and a new AI-driven technology to de-age actors to play roles in a range of life stages for the film.

Here is told in what can be described as a disjointed narrative, with the plot lines and events unfolding in a non-parallel, non-linear way—no easy task when it comes to films. The story revolves around “place,” as opposed to a particular character.

The story moves through generations of families (one multi-generational one in particular), with the consistency being the one location. (To help audiences remember the name of the film, or perhaps the underlying concept, the word “here” is iterated and reiterated in the dialog throughout the film.)

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