Version 19 of this retail CAD leader sports dozens of new and enhanced features.
IMSI/Design, a long-term survivor in the tumultuous retail CAD market, this week releases version 19 of TurboCAD Pro and TurboCAD Pro Platinum. Leading the list of new features is an upgrade that makes TurboCAD 64-bit software.

The 64-bit upgrade means TurboCAD can now use up to 32GB of memory to load, process, and render larger CAD files, when used with Windows 7. The company says the change dramatically improves the overall operation and function, especially with larger files.
Other features new to Version 19 include:
- A new user interface with contemporary menu colors and icons, with option to return to the classic UI;
- Updated licensed technology including ACIS v22 (for 3D geometry), LightWorks v8.3 (for visualization) and Redsdk v3 (for rendering);
- An AutoUpdate feature automatically notifies and downloads the latest TurboCAD update;
- New smooth surface mesh 3D modeling tools for easier, rapid creation of organic shapes (Platinum only);
- New editing tools for smooth meshes improve control over 3D models (Platinum only);
- New geo-location and compass rose features specify location to 6-point accuracy and display orientation;
- New ePack file packaging packs up everything associated with a CAD file for easy distribution (Platinum only);
- New Page Layout Wizard for rapid creation of 2D layouts from an existing 3D model
- New Drawing Compare to visually detect differences in drawings.
- New Material Editor for locating, selecting, applying and editing materials, luminance, and more;
- New Hatch Pattern Creator for quickly creating custom, repeating hatch patterns;
- New Redsdk support in Quality Render Mode;
- Improved DWG/DXF filter;
- Improved DGN Filter to open and save MicroStation files through v8;
- New 3D Print option outputs a part directly to 3D Systems BFB 3D printer software.

A YouTube video showing new features in TurboCAD Version 19 is below.