Teamcenter AppShare coordinates with existing Siemens PLM desktop software to share any linked desktop. 
Siemens PLM Software has released Teamcenter AppShare for the iPad, which makes it possible to share a desktop display on the iPad.
Teamcenter AppShare allows users to participate in existing online conferences using Siemens’ existing desktop collaboration software. iPad users can now join an existing AppShare session, and view peer desktops the same as if using the existing AppShare application at a desktop computer.
Once linked to a collaboration session, users may use the iPad’s familiar gesture-based navigation tools to zoom in on any part of a desktop view, log in to join an ongoing conference, or view a list of participants in a conference.

The 2.6MB app can be set to display in English, Chinese, Czech, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.
The free app is now available for download at Apple’s iTunes App Store.