Latest version offers tools for durability assessment, crash simulation of most full car models and more.
ESI Group has announced the latest release of its flagship software Virtual Performance Solution. VPS 2017 has been designed to face the challenges posed by automotive industry. ESI’s Virtual Performance Solution has been helping automotive engineers in designing and testing their virtual prototypes in domains like crash, durability, vibro-acoustics, etc. The single core model approach fosters better decision making and reduced time cycle.

Automotive industry is thriving now more than ever. The new generation of thermal engine and hybrid electric vehicles relies on light-weight multi-material assemblies, including light metals and composites. Advanced lightweight materials, such as high strength steel or composites, have their pros and cons. For e.g., usage of Advanced High Strength Steel (AHSS) can reduce component weight by up to 25%. But ductility decreases as strength increases. This can create issues in forming and joining, with consequent effects on crash performance and occupant safety.
Hence, enhanced approaches to durability assessment become more valuable with introduction to new materials and new car designs. Interaction between road and tire is key to predicting loads on the structure and thus durability. VPS 2017 introduces new tire models through co-simulation with Cosin’s flagship software, FTire (Flexible Structure Tire Model), a physics-based, 3D nonlinear tire simulation model.
The latest version also offers a DMP scaling up to 256 processors. ESI Group claims that crash simulation of full car models can be carried out, including the deployment of side and curtain airbags with a precise FPM method (Finite Pointset Method) for gas modeling, in less than 5 hours. This represents a reduction in CPU time up to 60% compared to last versions of VPS.
Explore multiple design options, test performance of a car virtually in a single core model, then make changes to design in VPS 2017 through extended scalability for efficient High-Performance Computing (HPC).