Jon Peddie Research releases smartphone white paper

“The Mobile Experience” examines the state of the art in smartphone user experience, documents current benchmarks, and proposes new ways to objectively test new devices.

A new report from Jon Peddie Research analyzes the dizzying array of features in today’s smartphones, reviews the state of the art in smartphone user experience, and takes a close look at benchmarks being used to measure and compete in the marketplace. The free report “The Mobile Experience” is now available for download. Free distribution is sponsored by Qualcomm.

The iDream G20, currently only available in China, is one of the first next-generation smart phones coming to market with advanced features. (Source: Qualcomm)

From the introduction

Today’s smartphones have an amazing array of sensors, radios, and processors. These pocket wonders have become our lifeline, entertainment center, personal office, multi-functional communications device—effectively our personal companions.

How each of us uses a smartphone varies, but certain patterns of usage have been measured. We all make phone calls, take pictures, text, read email, surf the web, listen to music, play games, use navigation aids, and watch videos. The newest and most challenging application is augmented reality, which promises to yet again completely change our lives for the better.

But there is no simple way to test a smartphone that encompasses all the myriad of uses and applications. Therefore, we need a suite of tests to be able to compare one device to another over a range of functions. Maybe someday a single comprehensive test will be developed. However, in the meantime a suite of available tests is proposed. If we can get the industry to agree and be consistent, we’ll be able to make intelligent comparisons and decisions on which Smartphone is best for our budget and needs.

UK smartphone usage trends survey

In September 2010 and again in March 2011 YouGov Plc. surveyed people aged 16 or over in the UK and asked: For which, if any, of the following activities have you used your smartphone?

  • Wave 3: September 14-21, 2010; 2,241 respondents
  • Wave 4: Marc 31-April 5, 2011; 2,103 respondents

The results are shown in the flowing chart:

UK smartphone usage surveys, 2010 and 2011. (Source: YouGov Plc.)

Download the complete white paper, “The Mobile Experience”: