Express an opinion on Twitter about your use of a recent-model AMD FirePro graphics card and be entered for a chance to win a new FirePro V5900.
Independent graphics enthusiast blog today launched a two-week ‘tweetstakes,’ offering current users of AMD FirePro graphics cards the chance to win a new FirePro V5900.
According to blogger Tony DeYoung, who owns, “The thrust of the sweepstakes is for people to tweet a message that describes their experience with reliability, stability and compatibility—good or bad—for any of the recent FirePro graphics cards. Doing so enters you into a random drawing for one of three FirePro V5900 cards. We want to hear unbiased reality from end users, from the single designer using PhotoShop CS5 to the multi-person CAD shop using a range of DCC and CAD/CAE apps.”
To make sure a tweet is entered in the content, use the hashtag #fireuser1. It is also possible to enter the contest by posting a comment to describing personal experience with reliability, stability and compatibility for any recent FirePro graphic cards. The comment can be as short as one sentence or as detailed as a paragraph or two.
The contest starts today and runs through Feb. 27, 2012.
AMD is providing the three AMD FirePro V5900 professional graphics cards, valued at approximately US$599 each, for the contest, but does not own or operate