From more than 500 entries, 104 will be shown at the festival during Siggraph.
Siggraph today announces the winners of this year’s Computer Animation Festival. From the 104 entries to be shown at this year’s festival—part of Siggraph 2013 in Anaheim, California, July 21-25—the jury has selected Best in Show, Jury Award, Best Student Project, and Best Student Project Runners-Up recipients. Europeans won all but one of the show’s five top awards this year.
“Every piece in the festival has something that made it stand out from the 40 hours of content submitted for this year’s show,” says Jason R.M. Smith, Siggraph 2013 Computer Animation Festival Director. “This year we’re screening 10% more content and the quality continues to improve, too. Which made picking the best of the best even more difficult.”
The Computer Animation Festival, celebrating its 40th year, is recognized by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences as a qualifying festival. Since 1999, several works originally presented in the Computer Animation Festival have been nominated for or have received a “Best Animated Short” Academy Award. This year’s selections will be featured during the Computer Animation Festival through a series of daily Festival Screenings and the iconic Electronic Theater, allowing attendees to get a glimpse behind the making of computer-generated effects, visualizations, and animations.
There were more than 500 entries in this year’s competition. Festival staff says the fact that a majority of the winners were from outside the United States is just another indication of how much it has evolved into an international event.
Best in Show
À la Française: Directed by Morrigane Boyer, Julien Hazebroucq, Ren Hsien Hsu, Emmanuelle Leleu and William Lorton, France.

It’s an afternoon in Versailles, during the reign of Louis XIV.
Jury Award
Lost Senses: Directed by Marcin Wasilewski, Poland.

A short story about an encounter in an abstract world, stylized as the paintings of Giorgio De Chrico. A Man is going to meet A Woman in abstract flying city. He is climbing up on the buildings like a parkour practitioner. One unguarded moment is enough to make him lose his senses. And his chance.
Best Student Project
Rollin’ Safari: Directed by Kyra Buschor, Anna Habermehl, Constantin Paeplow, Germany.

The balloon animals of the Serengeti are struggling to follow their daily routine.
Best Student Project Runner Up (two awards)
Sleddin’: Directed by John Pettingill, Texas A&M University, USA.

This metaphor for experiences that are larger than life explores the phenomenal childhood moments that are ultimately dependent on one’s own perspective.
Harald: Directed by Moritz Schneider, Germany.

Harald is a wrestler. Driven by his ambitious mother, he wins a vast number of challenge cups. But his true love is flowers. When his mother takes away his favorite flower, he has to fight for it.