3DBoxx 8980 Xtreme sports 16 Intel Xeon cores and liquid cooling.

Performance computer vendor Boxx has introduced what it claims is the fastest dual Intel Xeon workstation on the market. The 3DBoxx 8980 Xtreme ships with dual 8-core Intel Xeon CPUs and a liquid cooled chipset, allowing it to run above 4 Ghz.
Boxx says the 8980 is optimized for multi-threaded professional applications including 2D/3D design, VFX compositing, simulation, rendering, and video editing. The workstation sports dual Intel Xeon E5-2687w processors for a total of 16 cores and 32 threads.The Intel C602 chipset is liquid cooled, and the available hyper-threading mode accommodates up to 32 simultaneous threads.
The 8980 supports up to two graphics cards; Boxx offers both Nvidia (Quadro, Tesla, GeForce) and AMD (FirePro) boards. The workstation comes with the user’s choice of either Microsoft Windows or Linux, in either 32-bit or 64-bit mode. Up to 256 GB RAM memory is currently supported, but that number will jump to 512 GB when new 32 GB DDR2 ECC RAM modules come to market soon.
More information: http://www.boxxtech.com/Products/3dboxx-8980-xtreme