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Chaos updates V-Ray Benchmarking to Version 6
Measure how fast your hardware renders.

New development in AI hardware and software is transforming the market
Nvidia and CUDA are ahead by virtue of early development but open alternatives are being developed and expand the AI universe.
Nvidia buys The Portland Group
Silicon is stupid without a good compiler. You all know CUDA is coming to mini Kepler, AKA Tegra, right? How ...
Nvidia adds ARM platform support to CUDA GPU programming
ARM-based devices are growing at a 10x rate compared to x86 devices. Nvidia continues its expansion of the CUDA parallel ...
Syracuse team creates Java compiler for GPU compute
Rootbeer is an open source project that automatically parallelizes Java programming code. Syracuse University Ph.D. candidate Philip C. Pratt-Szeliga, supported ...
University group deploys UK’s most powerful GPU supercomputer
The new “Emerald” system will be shared with researchers across the UK to drive discovery in astrophysics, genomics and nanotechnology. ...
The parallel universe is growing in the NAB world
CUDA, OpenCL, and OpenGL all come into play as professional graphics applications learn to play nice with multiple CPUs and ...
Promoting the big video toolbox at NAB
Everybody wants to be the preferred vendor of end-to-end tools for digital video production. Act of Valor proves affordable cinema ...
Nvidia preaches the GPU compute gospel at NAB
More than 40 vendors had Nvidia GPU technology in their booths. OpenCL is out there, but CUDA is doing well. ...
Nvidia updates CUDA programming platform for GPUs
New features aim to make better use of GPUs for scientific and engineering simulation. Nvidia today released a major update ...