Open Design Alliance has been expanding its focus on DWG interoperability and adding additional formats and capabilities. This year, ODA has added support of sculpted solid functionality to its Drawings SDK. The Drawings SDK is ODA’s industry-standard toolkit for working with DWG data from any application on any platform. The new sculpted solid functionality supports the creation of standard ACIS-based 3D solid entities from collections of bounding surfaces. The resulting solids can be embedded in any standard DWG file.

“With the addition of sculpted solids, we now have native support for more than 90% of solid modeling operations available directly in our Drawings API,” said Neil Peterson, ODA President. “This includes Boolean operations, lofting, sweeps, and more.”
“While DWG is primarily thought of as a 2D technology, more and more people are starting to use it for 3D as well. By integrating our native solid modeler with Drawings SDK, ODA member companies can take advantage of the 3D capabilities of DWG without licensing expensive third-party modelers.”
Sculpted solid support is available in Drawings SDK version 22.5 and later, and it is accessible to all ODA members at Pricing for ODA memberships can be found at
In another press release last week, ODA announced that it has updated its Visualize SDK with measurement support. The press release follows:
ODA Adds Measurement to Visualize SDK
Interactive measurement of CAD and BIM models for desktop and web.
Open Design Alliance (ODA), the leading provider of CAD and BIM interoperability solutions, announced today the release of measurement support in its Visualize SDK, a high-performance graphics engine for engineering applications.
The new measurement functionality allows interactive selection and measurement of distances during visualization of IFC, Autodesk® Revit®, DWG, Autodesk Navisworks® and DGN models. It is available in ODA visualization solutions on desktop, mobile and cloud platforms.

“The new measurement capabilities in Visualize simplify the process of integrating custom design review into any application,” said Neil Peterson, ODA President. “Snapping is also supported to provide precise results during measurement.
“In addition to the new measurement ability, we’ve improved the user interface in our example applications to support selection during pan, orbit and free orbit operations. It’s a small change, but one that greatly improves overall usability of our visualization technology.”
Availability and pricing
Measurement support is available in Visualize and Open Cloud SDKs version 22.5 and later, and it is accessible to all ODA members at
The latest improvements to Visualize, including measurement and various UI enhancements, can be seen in version 22.5 of the free Open IFC Viewer available at
Pricing for ODA memberships can be found at