Autodesk Takes Simulation To The Cloud With Project Centaur
[Editor’s Note: Best Of The Web is a new category at VEKTORRUM, in which we recommend blog posts, commentaries, articles, etc. from other sources, of value to our readership. The topics explored in this section may range outside our normal coverage area. This is our second installment.]

Deelip Menezes is the CEO of, a vendor of conversion tools for CAD products. Since he started writing a blog in 2006, it has become one of the most popular reading destinations for CAD users. When he meets with software executives now, they often ask “Which Deelip am I speaking to?”
In “Autodesk Takes Simulation The the Cloud With Project Centaur” he continues a recent theme of exploring the potentials benefits of “cloud” technology for engineering, by sharing an overview of Autodesk Labs’ Project Centaur.
Key Quotes:
Autodesk is trying to put simulation in the hands of each and every Inventor user, not just specialized simulation experts, who frankly don’t use much of Inventor anyways. They are trying to offer a highly simplified work flow for design optimization.
However, they found that 80% of the data that went through the system was the customer’s own data and not the sample designs provided by Autodesk. So in their opinion, customers are quite comfortable with their intellectual property being sent outside their company firewall and processed in the cloud.