Connected in the ‘Here’ and now
Director Robert Zemeckis’ film 'Here' is a technical achievement but fails to connect with audiences.

News Watch
View Award 2024 winners
‘Inkwo for When the Starving Return’ wins grand prize.

News Watch
Top films, episodics, technical achievements honored
Advanced Imaging Society’s Lumiere Award winners.

IdeaPad + Intel core ultra 9 285H
What a great idea, our sister site, JPR, found following a battery of testing in its Mt. Tiburon Test Lab.

News Watch
Partnership promises advances, efficiencies in additive manufacturing
CoreTechnologie and Phasio team up.

AMD’s Q4 2024 earnings set new record
The highs (data center) and lows (embedded and gaming) amid quarter with new highs.

Cybersecurity is a necessity
As our online activity increases, so does our chances of having our data stolen.

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Looking Glass holographic displays driven by iOS
iPhones and iPads make the technology more mobile.

How technology is reshaping content creation and delivery
A look behind the curtain at the latest inventions at CES as we rebuild for today, tomorrow.

Intel Q4 earnings–no surprises
Earnings beat expectations; loss is less than was expected.